Noé e seus dias.
Queria falar sobre nossos dias e os de Noé.
Antecedendo os dias de Noé veremos algo maravilhoso. Depois que Caim cai no mundo. A maldade se alastra em toda sua genealogia. Mas algo nos chama a atenção, um cidadão chamado Enos descendente de Sete filho de Adão. e esse rapaz trás um equilíbrio pra sua época. A palavra diz que Enos invocou o nome do Senhor.
Quando tudo estiver aparentemente perdido, Deus levantará alguém pra lhe invocar. “ Invoca-me no dia da angustia e eu o ouvirei.” E é daqui que gostaria de falar sobre Noé.
Quem foi Noé? A palavra fala de muita gente boa depois de Enos, tipo Enoque que andou com Deus, Matuzalém que viveu 960 anos e Lameque que é Pai de Noé.
Uma coisa bem interessante é que provavelmente a situação da época não era boa.
Lameque quando nasce Noé ele profetiza sobre o menino. Pôs-lhe o nome de Noé, dizendo: “Este nos consolará dos nossos trabalhos e das fadigas de nossas mãos nesta Terra que o Senhor amaldiçoou”. Havia uma expectativa da geração anterior a de Noé, Uma esperança que ele fizesse a diferença. Ou seja, a voz profética do Pai de Noé colocou algo forte sobre a vida dele.
Eles esperavam algo novo, mas suave do que eles viviam, e isso estava sobre a responsabilidade de Noé.
O que me chama a atenção, é que depositaram em Noé uma Esperança, o Mundo de sua época ia de vento em polpa mergulhados na maldade e no pecado.
No capitulo seis de Genesis, Deus diz que o seu Espirito não agiria para sempre no homem...
E uma serie de fatos, o livro vem traçando. A maldade do coração do coração do homem se multiplicou e por continuo era mal o designo do coração do homem.
E se arrependeu o Senhor de ter feito o homem na Terra e isso lhe entristeceu.
Porém, a palavra vai dizer que Noé achou graça diante de Deus.
Ora como posso ilustrar esse acontecimento. Deus a ponto de destruir toda criação, sem que restasse ninguém, Ele olha com seu olhar de Amor e acha graça em Noé. Imagina a Terra como uma grande lixeira, e Noé estavam ali no meio, com um coração justo, integro e andava com Deus.
Deus visita a nossa historia e faz com que a justiça seja feita, nessa genealogia complicada de Caim Deus levanta Enos, depois levanta Enoque que andava também com Deus.
Então, nessa sujeirada de pecado, havia um justo, que chamou a atenção de Deus pela Graça.
Em efésios 2:8 diz:” Pela Graça sois salvos, mediante a fé, e isto não vem de vós; é dom de Deus.”. então isso me sugere que Noé tinha fé, naquilo que foi profetizado por seu Pai Lameque. “...Este consolará os nossos corações..” o que eu entendo é que havia uma palavra de renovo sobre Noé. Quando Deus olhou aquele lixo, no meio havia um homem com uma promessa de renovação.
Nóe era um homem cheio de fé, e obediente.
Ele era agricultor e aceitou o desafio de construir uma obra de marcenaria ( A Arca). Que coisa linda!
O que você é, ou o que faz, não importa. Deus começa algo novo através da sua vida, basta ter disposição e fé.
seja um Noé nesta geração e deixe Deus fazer grandes coisas através de você.
uma semana abençoada e boa leitura
Noah and his days. I wanted to talk about our days and Noah's. Anticipating Noah's day we will see something wonderful. After Cain falls into the world. Evil spreads throughout its genealogy. But something catches our attention, a citizen named Enos descended from Seven son of Adam. and this boy brings a balance to his time. The word says that Enos called on the name of the Lord. When all is apparently lost, God will raise someone up to call upon you. “Call upon me on the day of trouble, and I will hear you.” And this is where I would like to talk about Noah. Who was Noah? The word speaks of many good people after Enos, like Enoch who walked with God, Matuzalem who lived 960 years and Lamech who is Noah's Father. A very interesting thing is that probably the situation at the time was not good. Lamech when Noah is born he prophesies of the boy. He named him Noah, saying, "He will comfort us from our labors and the fatigue of our hands on this earth which the Lord has cursed." There was an expectation from the generation before Noah, a hope that he would make a difference. That is, the prophetic voice of Noah's Father put something strong about his life. They expected something new but mild from what they lived, and it was Noah's responsibility.
What strikes me is that they placed a hope in Noah, the world of his time was windy with pulp, plunged into wickedness and sin. In chapter six of Genesis, God says that his Spirit would not act forever in man ... And a lot of facts, the book has been tracing. The wickedness of the heart of man's heart has multiplied, and yet the designation of man's heart is evil. And the Lord repented that he had made man on earth, and it grieved him. But the word will say that Noah found favor with God. Now how can I illustrate this event. God to the point of destroying all creation, with no one left, He looks with his gaze of Love and finds grace in Noah. He imagines the earth as a great dump, and Noah was there in the middle, with a righteous heart, whole and walked with God. God visits our history and causes justice to be done, in this complicated genealogy of Cain God raises Enos, then raises Enoch who also walked with God. Then, in this sin-filthy, there was a righteous one, who caught God's attention by grace.In Ephesians 2: 8 it says, “By grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God. ” so it suggests to me that Noah had faith in what was prophesied by his Father Lamech. "... This will comfort our hearts .." What I understand is that there was a word of renewal about Noah. When God looked at that rubbish, in the middle was a man with a promise of renewal.
Noah and his days. I wanted to talk about our days and Noah's. Anticipating Noah's day we will see something wonderful. After Cain falls into the world. Evil spreads throughout its genealogy. But something catches our attention, a citizen named Enos descended from Seven son of Adam. and this boy brings a balance to his time. The word says that Enos called on the name of the Lord. When all is apparently lost, God will raise someone up to call upon you. “Call upon me on the day of trouble, and I will hear you.” And this is where I would like to talk about Noah. Who was Noah? The word speaks of many good people after Enos, like Enoch who walked with God, Matuzalem who lived 960 years and Lamech who is Noah's Father. A very interesting thing is that probably the situation at the time was not good. Lamech when Noah is born he prophesies of the boy. He named him Noah, saying, "He will comfort us from our labors and the fatigue of our hands on this earth which the Lord has cursed." There was an expectation from the generation before Noah, a hope that he would make a difference. That is, the prophetic voice of Noah's Father put something strong about his life. They expected something new but mild from what they lived, and it was Noah's responsibility.
What strikes me is that they placed a hope in Noah, the world of his time was windy with pulp, plunged into wickedness and sin. In chapter six of Genesis, God says that his Spirit would not act forever in man ... And a lot of facts, the book has been tracing. The wickedness of the heart of man's heart has multiplied, and yet the designation of man's heart is evil. And the Lord repented that he had made man on earth, and it grieved him. But the word will say that Noah found favor with God. Now how can I illustrate this event. God to the point of destroying all creation, with no one left, He looks with his gaze of Love and finds grace in Noah. He imagines the earth as a great dump, and Noah was there in the middle, with a righteous heart, whole and walked with God. God visits our history and causes justice to be done, in this complicated genealogy of Cain God raises Enos, then raises Enoch who also walked with God. Then, in this sin-filthy, there was a righteous one, who caught God's attention by grace.In Ephesians 2: 8 it says, “By grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God. ” so it suggests to me that Noah had faith in what was prophesied by his Father Lamech. "... This will comfort our hearts .." What I understand is that there was a word of renewal about Noah. When God looked at that rubbish, in the middle was a man with a promise of renewal.
God would not place such a precious task in the hand of an unbeliever.
Noe was a man full of faith, and obedient.
He was a farmer and took up the challenge of building a woodwork (The Ark). What a beautiful thing!
What you are, or what you do, doesn't matter. God starts something new through your life, just have disposition and faith.
Be a Noah in this generation and let God do great things through you.
a blessed week and good reading
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